Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Raising Responsible Citizens

Does your child know how to hold a broom? Perhaps you think you don’t care right now, but one day your son or daughter will be all grown up and will thank you if s/he knows how to accomplish all the things in life that require doing.

Let’s have a quick look at this comic strip. What is the dad saying to his son? Is it just about knowing how to hold a broom or make a bed? Not likely. One of the most important aspects of work is that we know what we need to do, tackle it and get it done on schedule. That sounds pretty simple, but you would be surprised at how many people can’t manage their lives because work (any work) is too much for them. They can’t organize, they can’t prioritize, they can’t break a task down to do it in sections and they end up feeling overwhelmed by work. Any work.

So….what to do? Start now. Provide the time, space and materials to complete homework.   Homework should average about 10 minutes per grade per day. So, for example, a grade four student will have about 40 minutes of homework (that does not include dawdling; getting a drink, sharpening the pencil, taking a bathroom break, eating a snack….and…you get the point). School is a child’s first job. Help your child accomplish this task with pride.

Another thing you can do to help your child develop good work skills is ask your child to contribute to the household. This will be a small contribution when they are toddlers and will grow to be a real help around the house once they are in their teens.  Doing a little research on the internet brought me to Focus on the Family. They have an amazing little article on children and household chores – complete with charts, templates, a funny quiz and cut-outs!  It is very clear that children, while they will balk – some more that others – at doing chores, in the end they feel like a respected, contributing member of the family while they are learning extremely important life skills. And that is not just about how to hold a broom!

Respectfully Yours,
Gabriele Pulpan, Principal

Chore Charts from

Works Cited:

Johnston, L. (n.d.). For Better or For Worse [Cartoon]. 

Seifert, S. (2009). Age-Appropriate Chores. Retrieved May 12, 2016, from

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